Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Lenses: Ciba Vision Air Optix Night and Day, Acuvue for Presbyopia

New Lenses

Ciba Vision is releasing Air Optix Night & Day on March 16th. This lens will be a replacement for the Focus Night & Day although both lenses will be available together through most of 2009. The Optix N&D has a few new features not found on the the current Night & Day including Visitint and an inverter marker. The price point will be slightly higher than the current Night & Day Model. Expect this product to be live on our site within the first week or two of the month.

Acuvue is also releasing a new lens in March. The Acuvue for Presbyopia will be a new bifocal contact lens. The price point will be slightly higher than their current Acuvue Bifocal and it will be live on our site by mid-March.

Ciba Vision Air Optix Night and Day

Acuvue for Presbyopia

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